After 44 days in Dar es Salaam it’s time to move on. The „Black Widow“ is fixed and ready to hit the road again.
I had a great time here while waiting for spare parts to get the front wheel fixed. Now that everything is done I’ll be heading towards Kenya and then further up the continent towards the middle east.

Anyone on my route? If yes, I’m sure we can catch up for a beer or two and exchange some stories.

I’ll keep u posted where I am.



2 Comments to “On the Road again!”

  1. Tom sagt:

    Hallo Bub, wünsch Dir alles Gute zum Geburtstag und weiter viele pannen- und unfallfreie Kilometer!

  2. so du sandflitzer
    trinksch chli viel bier i de letschte ziit
    hoffentlich alli speiche festmacht…
    bhalt dini 7 sache zäme und ghei nöd uf de latz

    gruess us de schwiz

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