After have been working for nearly two months in Adelaide River (NT) time has come to pack our bikes again and to take the next step of this epic journey. New destination: East Timor and from there to Indonesia.

The planning is finalized, all the necessary bookings done and confirmed;

Here our plans:

4 May: Last working day at the Adelaide River Inn
5 May: Packing
6 May: Ride the bikes up to Darwin where we will hand them in at Perkins and put them in to a container. In the evening we’ll catch a Road Train that will take through the night down to Alice Springs (1500 Km).
7-11 May: We’ve booked a 4WD Car and will head for Uluru and the Olgas. Of course we won’t miss out on the famous Kings Canyon Loop and some other scenic stuff.
11 May: By Road Train (the same one) back to Darwin.
12-15 May: Hang around Darwin and by some last minute souvenirs J
15 May: Flight from Darwin to Dili (East Timor) where we hopefully will be able to get our bikes out of customs on the same day.
15-23 May: Explore East Timor and West Timor (Indonesia)
23 May: Catch the Ferry from West Timor to Flores and from there via all the other islands over to Bali where we should arrive latest on the Xpress money money order 17 June. We booked a diving holiday together with our friends Tom & Martina and together we also plan to walk up the big volcano. putty download windows

One Comment to “Asia is calling”

  1. adet vrio sagt:

    Finish from dili you will continue where if to java west I could probably meet you.


    adet vrio

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